Are you sure you want to permanently delete the saved game “^1” ? It appears that the Alien Gemstone would fit perfectly in the pedastal. Do you want to place it there? You could use the radio beacon now, but it wouldn’t do any good because you’re inside or underground. Wait until you exit the pyramid. Once the Nuclear Device has been armed, the countdown cannot be stopped. Drop it and get out! Somehow you don’t think it would be a very good idea to rest right now, with these strange creatures flying around your head. You feel extremely weak, but are unable to rest and restore your health. Something is very wrong. Sorry, the code you have entered is incorrect. The rest of your team must have changed it since your briefing last week. The detonation delay you entered is invalid. What are you trying to do, confuse a nuclear bomb? Try again. Your mission is to arm the bomb as low in the catacombs as possible, and you don’t think this is the lowest you will be able to descend. You don’t seem to be able to find your map. You must have dropped it somewhere. Sorry, you can’t save your game here. Look for a circular red rune on the ground and try again there. Be careful: you have disabled Pathways ability to warn you when background processes are slowing down your game. Be sure your external speakers (or headphones) are connected properly and that you have enabled Stereo Output from the Sound Control Panel. Sorry, you can’t get quality rest while you are poisoned. Find a cure or wait for the poison to wear off. Your health is already at maximum, and resting will only pass time. Do you want to rest anyway? You have a strange and inexplicable feeling that it wouldn’t be very sly to try and rest right now. There is a long iron chain here, hanging from a hole in the ceiling. Do you want to pull it?